Saturday 6 August 2016


A few thoughts for today....

1. Can you cry under water ?

2. Do fishes ever get thirsty ?

3. Why don’t birds fall off trees when they sleep ?

4. Why is it called building when it is already
built ?

5. When they say dog food is new and improved,
who tastes it ?

6. “I Love You” is not a question then why does it
need an answer?

7. Why does round pizza come in a square box ?

8. Why doesn’t glue stick to its bottle ?

9. If money doesn’t grow on trees then why do
banks have branches ? Don't be confused!

Remember that, nothing in nature lives for itself.

Rivers don't drink their own water.

Trees don't eat their own fruit. 

The Sun doesn't
produce heat for itself, and the moon never goes
on a honeymoon.

Living for Others is the Rule of Nature.

Be each others keeper and be glorious..

Be a blessing to others
Have a blessed day everyone. 

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